Updates on the Sales This Week at Target thru 2/10


Here’s some updates for you on the sales this week at Target. The following post contains unadvertised short-term sales I noticed, & in-ad deals that may have gotten better with new cartwheels or coupons. I’ve also included some deals using new cartwheels that will be valid this week only.

Please remember sales can vary by region and deals listed below are thru 2/10 only.For more on this weeks’ sales and deals- you can always check the Weekly Ad Page at the top of my site. This page always contains links to the complete current ad with a full matchup and my Best Deals of the week post.

Buy 2 Orbit, Extra, 5 Gum 3 packs PSA $2.37 = $4.74
– $1.19 (one will be half off with B1G1 50% off Target deal thru 2/10
-$1/2 Orbit/Extra/5 Gum 3 pk 1-7-18 RP2 x3/31
= $2.55 for both or $1.28 each or like paying .43 per pack of gum

but be sure and check out a great deal on 5 Gum for as low as 8 cents on my post HERE

Mountain Dew Kickstart Singles $1.49 (Regular Price)
-30% Off Mountain Dew Kickstart Target-Cartwheel x2/10
= $1.04 after cartwheel


New Sales & Deals on Nestle Pure Life Water at Target

Right now you can print two nice coupons to save on Nestle Pure Life Water…

$1.00 on any TWO (2) Nestlé Pure Life 8-oz multi-packs 12-count or higher
$1.00 on any TWO (2) Nestlé Pure Life .5L multi-packs (15-count or higher)

We have a new long-term sale on the 15 packs thru 2/24 to make for a nice discount….

Buy 2 Nestle Pure Life Water .5 L 15 pk $2 (Sale thru 2/24) = $4
$1.00 on any TWO (2) Nestlé Pure Life .5L multi-packs (15-count or higher)
= $1.50 each after coupon & sale, or like paying 10 cents per bottle


But, if can get to store this week we have st sale thru 2/10 on the bigger 28 packs to make for a slightly better price per bottle…

Buy 2 Nestle Pure Life Purified Water .5 L 28 pk 2/$6 (Sale thru 2/10)
$1.00 on any TWO (2) Nestlé Pure Life .5L multi-packs (15-count or higher)
= $2.50 each after coupon & sale or just under 9 cents per bottle

Kleenex Soothing Lotion Tissues 81¢ a Box at Target


There are lots of varieties of Kleenex tissues included in the sale on multipacks this week thru 2/10, including the Soothing Lotion 4 packs. If you favor these lotion-infused issues, we have a coupon & a rebate to make for some nice savings….

Kleenex Soothing Lotion 4 pk $4.99 (Sale thru 2/10)
-.50 Off Kleenex Facial Tissues (1) Bundle pack or (3) Boxes 50 ct+ 1-28 SS x3/10
.75 off ONE Bundle Pack or 3 Boxes of Kleenex tissues (when you share)
Earn $1 Cash Back wyb Kleenex Soothing Lotion Tissue Multipacks w/ibotta app

= $3.24 after a .75/1, rebate & sale, or .81 per box, reg. $5.99


And if you missed my earlier post – we also have a nice deal on the Kleenex Cool Touch…

Kleenex Cool Touch Facial Tissues $1.49 (Reg. Price)
$0.50 OFF any TWO (2) boxes of KLEENEX Facial Tissue
Earn $1 Cash back wyb 2 Kleenex Cool Touch Facial Tissues w/ibotta app
= .74 each after coupon & rebate wyb 2 

$6 in New High-Value Phazyme Coupons to Stack


There are three new printable coupons available to save on Phazyme products….

$2 OFF wyb ONE Phazyme Anti-Gas Softgels 180 mg
-$2 OFF wyb ONE Phazyme Anti-Gas Softgels 250 mg
-$2 OFF wyb ONE Phazyme Gas & Acid Chews 250 mg

We also have a cartwheel offer to stack to save a little more and make for a nice price on the Anti Gas chews…

Phazyme 250 mg Anti Gas Cherry Chews $3.98 (Reg. Price)
-5% Off Phazyme Target-Cartwheel x2/10

$2 OFF wyb ONE Phazyme Gas & Acid Chews 250 mg

$1.78 after stack

Nice Deals on Frontera Salsa, Skillet Sauces & More

We have some new high-value Target Cartwheel offers available to save on Frontera products, Even better, we have some sales this week thru 2/10 to make for some nice savings…

Frontera Salsa 16 oz $3.49 (Sale thru 2/10) 
-30% Off Frontera Salsas Target-Cartwheel x2/17

= $2.44 after cartwheel & sale, reg. $3.99


Frontera Skillet Sauces PSA $1.92 (Sale thru 2/10)
-30% Off Frontera Seasoning Pouches Target-Cartwheel x2/17
= $1.34 after cartwheel & sale, reg. $2.27


Speaking of Frontera, there are a couple nice printable coupons available to save on the multi-serve and single serve meals. To find these coupon fast, just go HERE and enter the zip code 68130, click on “go”. Then look for Frontera in the brand drop-down menu and click on “go” again.

Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Frontera Multi-Serve Meals (20 oz., Any Flavor)
Save $1.00 on any ONE (1) Frontera® Single Serve Meal (11-11.5 oz., Any Flavor)

These new Frontera products are starting to show up on some Target store shelves, and you can find them in the freezer section. They aren’t at my store yet, but if your store has gotten them in, we have a cartwheel offer to make for a stack and some nice savings…

Frontera Frozen Multiserve Skillet Meals $8.49 (Regular Price)
-25% Off Frontera Skillet Meals Target-Cartwheel x2/17
Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Frontera Multi-Serve Meals (20 oz., Any Flavor)
= $4.86 after stack