There’s a new high-value printable coupon available to Save $1.50 on any ONE (1) Silk® ULTRA 59oz carton. Available at most Target locations in both the original and chocolate varieties, this product contains 20 grams of protein. If you are a fan or have been wanting to try this product, there is a high-value Target Circle offer to stack with the Silk Ultra coupon and make for a nice discount…
If you have and use the ibotta app, check for new high-value offers to earn cash back on Skippy peanut butter spreads. While the offer for the Skippy PB squeeze is meant to make for a free product, my store carries this product for $2.59 regular price. However, it still makes for a great price after ibotta…
While ibotta offers can vary by user, I also had one for regular peanut butter spreads. In addition, there is a bonus offer for redeeming both offers. Plus, if you haven’t done so yet, you can still print a Skippy coupon to save even more. Between all discounts, it works out to be a very nice savings when you buy both products…
There’s a nice new high-value Target Circle offer available to save 30% on Sweet Earth Natural Foods single serve entrees. If you have and use the ibotta app, there are some nice offers for additional savings. Target carries this brand of burritos for $2.99 regular price to make for savings of over 55% using just your phone…
Also to note, there is a bonus offer on the ibotta app to earn .50 back when you redeem any of the Sweet Earth Natural Foods offers four or more times. Even if you don’t use the ibotta app, the Target Circle alone makes for a nice discount on these products.
If you are looking for deals on frozen pizzas for the big game next Sunday, there are some nice savings to be had at Target. To start with, this week thru February 6th, Target has select DiGiorno pizzas on sale for 2/$8 or $4 each. There is an ibotta offer to save even more and make for a nice price using just your phone….
And, if you are looking for an alternative to traditional varieties, there is a very nice deal to be had on Banza pizza made from chickpeas. Between all discounts, it makes for savings of 75%….
We are getting close to the end of the month, and sometimes printable coupons disappear. So you might want to go ahead and print any of the above Quaker coupons you have interest in while they are still available.