Icelandic Provisions Skyr Yogurt Just 69¢ Each at Target

Icelandic Provisions Skyr Yogurt

Right now you can print a nice coupon to save $2 off when you buy 4 Icelandic Provisions Skyr Yogurt when you click on the coupons tab at the top of the page. Just keep in mind that if you have already printed this coupon, you may not be able to do so again. There is a super-nice new Target Circle offer to stack and make for a very nice price….

Buy 4 Icelandic Provisions Yogurt $1.59 (Reg. Price) = $6.36
-$1.59 (use 25% Off Icelandic Provisions Yogurt 5.3 oz Target Circle x4/25
$2 off when you buy 4 Icelandic Provisions Skyr Yogurt
= $2.77 for all 4 or .69 each

My coupon printed with a 30 day expiration date, however, this high-value Target Circle offer is only valid for a couple of days. So be sure and grab this nice deal by Sunday if you have interest.

Honey Stinger Waffle Nutrition Bars Just 2¢ Each at Target

honey stinger waffle
We have a nice new high-value Target Circle offer available to save 40% off Honey Stinger Waffle Single Nutrition Bars. Even better, if you have and use the ibotta app, there is a cash back offer to use as well. While ibotta offers can vary by user, if you have the same one I do, it makes for an awesome deal..

Buy 2 Honey Stinger Waffle Nutrition Single Bars PSA $1.19 (Reg. Price) = $2.38
-.95 (use 40% Off Honey Stinger Nutrition Single Bars Target Circle x4/24
Earn $1.39 Back wyb 2 Honey Stinger Waffles w/ibotta app
= .04 for both or .02 each

New Crunchmaster Crackers Coupon to Stack & Save Almost 75%

Crunchmaster coupon

We have a new printable coupon available to Save $1.50 on any TWO (2) Crunchmaster® crackers or snacks. Even better, we have a Target Circle offer to stack with the Crunchmaster coupon to save an extra 15%. Plus, if you have and use the ibotta app, there is a high-value offer to earn cash back on Crunchmaster products to save even more and make for a very nice price and savings of almost 75%….

Buy 2 Crunchmaster Crackers $2.99 (Reg. Price) = $5.98
-15% Off Crunchmaster Crackers Target Circle x5/1
Save $1.50 on any TWO (2) Crunchmaster® crackers or snacks
-$2 (redeem 2x Earn $1 Cash Back wyb Crunchmaster Product w/ibotta app (limit 5)
= $1.58 for both or .79 each after coupon and ibotta, or like saving almost 75%

This Crunchmaster coupon may not last long, so you might want to go ahead and print it sooner rather than later. We also often see sales on this product too, and the Circle offer is valid all the way thru May 1st. So you could always print now and hold for a sale down the road. However, this is a very nice price if you are headed out to your store.

Banza Chickpea Rice Only $1.39 at Target Using Just Your Phone

Banza Products

If you have and use the ibotta app, check for new high-value offers to earn cash back when you buy select Banza products. While ibotta offers can vary by user, I had $1 offers for Banza pasta, Mac & Cheese, and rice plus a $2 offer for Banza pizza & crust. However, there is a Circle offer for Banza Chickpea Rice to make for savings of over 50% using just your phone…

Banza Chickpea Rice $2.99 (Reg. Price)
-20% Banza Chickpea Rice Target Circle x5/1
Earn $1 Back wyb Banza Chickpea Rice w/ibotta app limit 2
= $1.39 each after Target Circle and ibotta offer

We often see sales on Banza products at Target and the Circle offer is valid all the way thru May 1st and the ibotta offer is currently showing a long expiration date. However, sometimes ibotta offers do disappear, and the above deal is a nice price.

If you are not familiar with the ibotta app, you can get rewarded with cash for buying select products at over hundreds of retail chains, restaurants and more nationwide. You can sign up HERE to get the app, and for complete details on how this great program works, you can check out my post HERE.

Nice Savings on Brazi Bites with New High-Value Stack

We have a new Target Circle offer to save 30% on Brazi Bites Empanadas & Brazilian Cheese Bread. Even better, there is a printable coupon for the empanadas to stack and make for savings of 50%….

Brazi Bites Empanadas $4.99 (Reg. Price)
-30% Off Brazi Bites Cheese Bread or Empanadas Target Circle x4/24
$1 OFF when you buy ONE Brazi Bites Empanadas
= $2.49 each after stack