Coast Care Body Wash Only $1.49 Using Just Your Phone

We have new high-value Circle offer available to save 25% on Coast Body Wash. Even better, if you have and use the ibotta app, there are high-value cash back offers to use as well. While ibotta offers can vary by user, if you have the same ones I do, it makes for savings of 60% using just your phone….

Coast Care Body Wash 18 oz Bottles $3.99 (Regular Price)
-25% Off Coast Bodywash Target Circle x5/29
Earn $1.50 Back wyb Coast Care Pacific Surf bodywash w/ibotta app (limit 5)
(or use Earn $1.50 Back wyb Coast Care Arctic Blast Bodywash w/ibotta app (limit 5)
(or use-Earn $1.50 Back wyb Coast Care Indian Sunrise Bodywash w/ibotta app (limit 5)
(or use –Earn $1.50 Back wyb Coast Care Atlantic Rush Bodywash w/ibotta app (limit 5)

= $1.49 after Target Circle & ibotta, or like saving over 60%

Keep in mind your ibotta offer will need to be added to your list before you shop. If you are a big fan of these products and your store has plenty in stock, the Circle offer has a limit of 4 per transaction. It’s also a nice price if you are just wanting to try or check out a different scent.

New Target Circle Stack on Kikkoman Panko Breadcrumbs

There is a nice new 20% off Kikkoman Panko Bread crumbs Target Circle offer available valid thru June 12th. We also have an insert coupon to stack and make for a nice price…

Kikkoman Panko Bread Crumbs 8 oz $1.89 (Reg. Price)
-20% Off Kikkoman Panko Bread Crumbs Target Circle x6/12
-.55/1 Kikkoman Panko Bread Crumbs 5-16 SS x9/30
= .96 each after stack, or like saving 50%

Save Up to 70% on Frutly Juice Drinks with Just Your Phone

We have new high-value Circle offer available to save 20% on Frutly Juice Drinks 4 packs. Even better, if you have and use the ibotta app, there is a high-value cash back offer to use as well. While ibotta offers can vary by user, if you have the same one I do, it makes for savings of 70% using just your phone….

Frutly Hydrating Juice Water 12 oz 4 pk $3.99 (Regular Price)
-20% Off Frutly Hydrating Juice Water Target Circle x6/5
Earn $2 Back wyb Frutly Juice Drinks 12 oz 4 pack w/ibotta app (limit 5)
= $1.19 after Target Circle & ibotta, or like saving over 70%

Keep in mind your ibotta offer will need to be added to your list before you shop, and even if you have a lower offer, it still makes for nice savings when combined with the Circle offer.

FREE $5 Target Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsico Beverages & Snacks


This week thru May 22nd, Target is offering up a FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ of Pepsi Brand beverages & Frito-Lay Snacks. If you are wanting to stock up on sodas, Target is also having a buy more save more sale on select 12 packs for 3/$12. You must buy 3 to get this price, but it makes for a great stock-up deal….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 6 Pepsi Brand 12 pk 12 oz Cans 3/$12 (Sale thru 5/22) = $24
-FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsi Soda/Frito-Lay Snacks thru 5/22
= $19 for all 6 or $3.16 each, regularly $4.99

There are lots of other products you can mix & match with to reach the $20 spending requirement. We also have sales this week on Aquafina water and select Lay’s Chips, so here’s a couple more ideas for you….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 3 Pepsi 12 pk 12 oz Cans 3/$12 (Buy More Save More thru 5/22)
& Buy 2 Aquafina Water 24 packs 2/$9 (Sale thru 5/22) = $21
– FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsi Soda/Frito-Lay Snacks thru 5/22
= $16 for all 5 items or $3.20 each, regularly $4.99 each 

DEAL IDEA: Buy 2 Aquafina Water 24 packs 2/$9 (Sale thru 5/22)
& Buy 4 Lay’s Chips 5-8 oz Bags 2/$6 (Sale thru 5/22)  = $21
– FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsi Soda/Frito-Lay Snacks thru 5/22
= $16 for all 6 items or $2.66 each, regularly $24.34 for all 

New & Rare Freschetta Pizza Printable Coupon to Stack

There’s a nice new & rare printable coupon available to Save $1.00 when you purchase ONE (1) FRESCHETTA Pizza. Even better, there’s a Target Circle offer to stack for additional savings…

Freschetta Frozen Pizza PSA $4.99 (Reg. Price)
-10% Off Freschetta Pizza Target Circle x5/22
Save $1.00 when you purchase ONE (1) FRESCHETTA® Pizza
= $3.49 after stacking Target Circle Offer with Coupon

Keep in mind this rare coupon may not last long, so you might want to go ahead and print it while it’s still available.