Get a FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsico and Frito-Lay Products

Photo of Pepsi Deals at Target

Thru Saturday, October 9th, Target is offering up a FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ of select Pepsi Brand beverages & Frito-Lay Snacks! This makes for some very nice Pepsi Deals at Target.

This offer is available both in stores and online when you choose a same day service. No coupon or Circle is needed, the gift card will auto add at checkout or the register once you have met the spending requirement with qualifying products.

If you are wanting to stock up on sodas, Target is also having a buy more save more sale on select 12 packs for 3/$13. You must buy 3 to get this price, but it makes for a nice stock-up deal….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 6 Pepsi Brand 12 pk 12 oz Cans 3/$13 (Sale thru 10/9) = $26
-FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsi Soda/Frito-Lay Snacks thru 10/9
= $21 for all 6 or $3.50 each, regularly $5.69

However, be sure and watch for bonus 15 Packs of Pepsi included at the same Buy More Save More price to make for an even better price per can.

There are lots of other products you can mix & match with to reach the $20 spending requirement. We also have sales this week on select chips, so you could also do this…

DEAL IDEA: Buy 3 Pepsi Brand 12 pk 12 oz Cans 3/$13 (Sale thru 10/9)
& Buy 3 Tostitos Original Chips $3 (Sale thru 10/9 in stores or same day service) = $22
-FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsi Soda/Frito-Lay Snacks thru 10/9
= $17 for all 6 or $2.83 each, regularly $29.04 for all 6!!

Or, if you are looking to grab nice savings on handy individual snacks, you could also do this…

DEAL IDEA: Buy 1 Pepsi Brand mini cans 6 pack $2.99 (Reg. Price)
& Buy 2 Frito Lay Chips 18 count Multi-pack ($8.99) = $20.97
-FREE $5 Gift Card wyb $20+ Pepsi Soda/Frito-Lay Snacks thru 10/9
= $15.97 for all or like paying .44 per snack bag of chips + FREE Pepsi mini-cans

High-Value Stacks to Save Up to 85% on VitaCup Coffee Products at Target Using Just Your Phone

Vitacup Coffee Target Circle Offers

Grab big savings on VitaCup coffee products at Target! We have two new high-value VitaCup coffee Target Circle offers available, including one to save a whopping 50% off the 10 oz bags.

It is valid this week only thru Saturday, October 16th, and if you have and use the ibotta app, there is a high-value offer to make for additional savings. Offers can vary by user, but if you have the same one I do, it makes for savings of over 80%…

VitaCup Ground Coffee 10 oz $11.99 (Regular Price)
-50% off Vita Cup Ground Coffee 10 oz Bags Target Circle x10/16
Earn $4 Back wyb VitaCup Ground Coffee 10 oz w/ibotta (limit 5)
= $1.99 after Target Circle and ibotta, or like saving almost 85%

Or, if you use pods, there is a separate Circle offer AND a separate ibotta offer to make for another very nice deal….

VitaCup Coffee Pods 18 ct $17.99 (Regular Price)
-30% off Vita Cup Coffee Pods Target Circle x10/16
Earn $5 Back wyb VitaCup Coffee Pods 18 ct w/ibotta (limit 1)
= $7.59 after Circle and ibotta, or like saving almost 60%

The Circle offers are valid on a same day service, and you can still redeem the ibotta offers. To do this, you will need to first add the Circle offers in the Target app. If you haven’t done so yet, link up your Target account in the ibotta app. Then choose to shop Target online. Add the ibotta offers and then click on the link in the app and shop online at

Choose a same day service, and once you pick up your order ibotta will credit your account!

Save 50% on CORE Organic Snack Bars at Target Using Just Your Phone

Image of CORE Snack Bar

CORE snack bar fans!! Stock up at a great price at Target using just your phone! There is a new high-value Target Circle offer available to save a whopping 50% when you buy $10 or more worth of 2 oz CORE bars.

It is valid this week only thru Saturday, October 2nd, and you can use it in stores or online when you choose order pick-up or same day delivery.

Buy 5 CORE Organic Refrigerated Oat Bars 2 oz $2.49 (Regular Price) = $12.45
-50% Off $10+ CORE Bars (Blueberry Banana Almond or PB Chocolate) Target Circle x10/2
= $6.22 for all 5 or $1.24 each after Target Circle offer

This is a super-easy phone only deal, so be sure and take advantage if you are headed out to your store. A CORE snack bar is great for on-the-go or even a quick light lunch too!

If you aren’t familiar with these organic bars, they can be found in the refrigerated section at most Target stores. High in protein and fiber, they are made with Organic, Gluten Free Whole Grain Oats, Fruits, and Nuts.

We also sometimes see ibotta offers for these bars too. I don’t see any in my app, but it might be worth a quick check to see if you have an offer.

New High-Value $5/1 VitaCup Coffee Coupon to Stack & Save Up to 75% at Target Using Just Your Phone

Phhoto of VitaCup Circle Offer

Grab some very nice savings on VitaCup coffee products at Target! If you missed out on the % Target Circle offer last week, the good news is there is a new high-value manufacturer’s coupon on Circle to make for more great deals.

If you have and use the ibotta app, there is a high-value offer to earn cash back when you buy VitaCup ground coffee. Offers can vary by user, but if you have the same one I do, it makes for savings of 75% using just your phone!…

VitaCup Ground Coffee 10 oz $11.99 (Regular Price)
-$5 Off VitaCup Coffee Manufacturer’s Coupon on Circle x10/2 (one time use)
Earn $4 Back wyb VitaCup® Ground Coffee 10 oz w/ibotta (limit 5)
= $2.99 after manufacturer’s coupon on Circle and ibotta, or like saving 75%

Or, if you use pods, the manufacturer’s coupon on Circle is valid on these as well. There is an additional ibotta offer to use to make for savings of 55%…

VitaCup Coffee Pods 18 ct $17.99 (Regular Price)
-$5 Off VitaCup® Coffee Manufacturer’s Coupon on Circle x10/2 (one time use)
Earn $5 Back wyb VitaCup® Coffee Pods 18 ct w/ibotta (limit 1)
= $7.99 after manufacturer’s coupon on Circle & ibotta, or like saving 55%

The Circle offer is valid on a same day service, and you can still redeem the ibotta offers. To do this, you will need to first add the Circle offers in the Target app. If you haven’t done so yet, link up your Target account in the ibotta app. Then choose to shop Target online. Add the ibotta offers and then click on the link in the app and shop online at

Choose a same day service, and once you pick up your order ibotta will credit your account!

Target Deals to Save up to 55% on Select Single Serve Yogurt

Photo of Target Sale on Yogurt

This week thru Saturday, October 2nd, Target has So Delicious, Two Good and Silk yogurt single serve containers on sale for 4/$5 or $1.25 each.

If you are a fan of Silk Almondmilk yogurt, there is a manufacturer’s coupon on Circle to make for a very nice price….

Silk Almondmilk Single-Serve Yogurt 5.3 oz 4/$5 or $1.25 each (Sale thru 10/2)
-.55/1 Silk Yogurt Alternative 5.3oz. Cup Manufacturer’s Coupon on Circle x10/2 (one time use)
= .70 after coupon and sale, regularly $1.59

We also have a Target Circle offer for Two Good, Good Save Yogurt, that is only valid on select flavors….

Two Good, Good Save Single-Serve Yogurt (Meyer Lemon) $1.25 (Sale thru 10/2)
-10% off Two Good, Good Save Single-Serve Product Target Circle x10/30
= $1.12 after Circle and Sale, regularly $1.49

Speaking of yogurt, if you like Icelandic Provisions, we have a Circle offer to save 10% off this brand. While not on sale, there is an ibotta offer to make for a very nice price….

Icelandic Provisions Yogurt $1.59 (Reg. Price) 
-10% Off Icelandic Provisions Yogurt 5.3 oz Target Circle x10/2
Earn .50 back when you buy Icelandic  Provisions Yogurt w/ibotta limit 1
= .93 after Circle and ibotta Offer