Nice Savings on Oxiclean Stain Stain Remover Powders & Washing Machine Cleaner at Target

This week Target has all Oxiclean products on a B1G1 30% off. We also have stacks on the Odor Blaster and Washing Machine Cleaner to make for some nice deals…

Buy 2 OxiClean Odor Blaster 3.5 b ($8.49) = $16.98
-$2.54 (one will be 30% off with Target Deal thru 5/12
-$2.16 (use 15% Off Oxiclean Laundry Powder Additives Target Cartwheel x5/12
-$2 (use two $1/1 OxiClean in-wash Stain Fighter 4-8-18 SS2 x5/9
(or use $1 OFF wyb ONE OxiClean Odor Blaster or Versatile Stain Remover Powder 3lb+ (limit 1)

= $10.28 for both or $5.14 each

Buy 2 OxiClean Washing Machine Cleaner Pouches w/Odor Blasters 4 ct $7.49 = $14.98
-$2.24 (one will be 30% off with Target deal thru 5/12
-$1.92 (use 15% Off OxiClean Washing Machine Cleaner Target Cartwheel x5/12
-$2 (use two $1/1 OxiClean Washing Machine Cleaner 4-8-18 SS2 x5/9 
(or use $1 off wyb ONE OxiClean Washing Machine Cleaner (limit 1)

= $8.82 for both or $4.41 each

Eight O’Clock Coffee Bags only $1.68 with New Stack

Right now you can print a nice coupon to save $1.50 on ONE (1) bag of Eight O’Clock Coffee, Any size. We have a new Target cartwheel offer to stack, and even better – this week Target has bagged coffee for B1G1 50% off to make for a great deal…

Buy 2 Eight O’Clock Coffee Bags $5.29 (Reg. Price) = $10.58
-$2.65 (one will be half off with B1G1 50% off Target Deal thru 5/12
-$1.58 (use 20% Off Eight O’Clock Coffee Target-cartwheel x5/19

-$3 (use two $1.50 on ONE (1) bag of Eight O’Clock Coffee, Any size
= $3.35 for both or $1.68 each after stack & Target deal

More New Unadvertised Gift Card & Special Deals


Here are the rest of the unadvertised Special deals that are new-to-me this week at Target. I have added any matchups I could find, but please feel free to let me know if I’ve missed anything in the comments. You can also see links to other new Special deals at the bottom this post.

Please keep in mind that unadvertised deals can be regional and may not be available at all stores and prices may vary by region. You can always check out the Special Deals Page for even more unadvertised deals you may be able to find at your stores…

 FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 4 Schwarzkopf got2b PSA $4.29
Deal and prices valid 4/2 – 5/12. Deal and prices may be regional.


special-purchase2 SPECIAL PURCHASE: FREE Mac & Cheese box wyb Paw Patrol Summer Rescue DVD
Deal and prices valid 4/2 – 5/12. Deal and prices may be regional.
*Paw Patrol Summer Rescue DVD $9.99
-20% Off all Movies Target-Cartwheel x5/5
*Free Item = Kraft Mac & Cheese Box .99


 FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 2 Align or Prilosec
Deal and prices valid 4/2 – 5/12. Deal and prices may be regional.
*Prilosec PSA $18.59
$1.00 OFF ONE Prilosec OTC Product (excludes trial/travel size)
$3 off when you buy 1 Align Product 21 count or larger


 FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 2 Allegra, Nasacort or Xyzal
Deal and prices valid 4/2 – 5/12. Deal and prices may be regional.
*Allegra Adults 24 hr PSA $17.99 or 12 hr PSA $12.99 or Children’s Allegra PSA $10.79
-$8/1 Allegra 24hr 24 ct+ 4-29-18 SS1 x5/5
-$3/1 Allegra Children’s Product 4-29-18 SS1 x5/12
$5.00 OFF any ONE (1) Allegra Allergy 24HR 24ct or Larger

*Xyzal Adult 24 hr 35 ct $17.89 or Children’s PSA $10.99
$5.00 OFF any ONE (1) XYZAL Allergy 24HR 35ct or Larger
*Nasacort Adult 60 spray PSA $12.89 or Children’s PSA $12.89


 FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 2 Pup-peroni or Milo’s Kitchen Value size 
Deal and prices valid 4/2 – 5/12. Deal and prices may be regional.
*Pupperoni PSA $9.99
$2.00 on any TWO (2) Pup-Peroni dog snack products
75¢ on any ONE (1) Pup-Peroni dog snack product
-$1/1 Pup-peroni Dog Snacks 4-8-18 RMNE1 x6/3

-$3/1 Pup-peroni Dog Snacks 25 oz+ 4-8-18 RMNE1 x6/3
*Milo’s Kitchen PSA $12.99
$1.50 on any ONE (1) Milo’s Kitchen Homestyle Dog Treat product

New High-Value Health Care Coupons + Nice Deal on Centrum with Gift Card Offer
Save up to 75% on Pup-Peroni Value Size Dog Treats

More Great Deals on Coffee at Target Starting 5/6


We’ve had some great deals on K-Cups this week, but if you prefer ground coffee, next week starting on 5/6, Target will be offering up a B1G1 50% off all bagged ground or whole bean coffee. In addition, there are some nice printable coupons right now to save even more….

$1.50 on ONE (1) bag of Eight O’Clock Coffee, Any size
$1 OFF when you buy ONE Seattle’s Best Coffee
$3 OFF wyb 2 Community Coffee Bags or K-Cups

Buy 2 Eight O’Clock Coffee Bags $5.29 (Reg. Price) = $10.58
-$2.65 (one will be half off with B1G1 50% off Target Deal (STARTS 5/6)
-$3 (use two $1.50 on ONE (1) bag of Eight O’Clock Coffee, Any size
= $4.93 for both or $2.47 each after coupons & Target deal

Buy 2 Seattle’s Best Ground Coffee 12 oz $4.99 (Sale thru 5/19) = $9.98
-$2.50 (one will be half off with B1G1 50% off Target Deal (STARTS 5/6)
-$2 (use two $1 OFF wyb ONE Seattle’s Best Coffee
= $5.48 for both or $2.74 each after coupons, sale & Target deal, reg. $5.69

Buy 2 Community Coffee Bags $5.99 (Reg. Price) = $11.98
-$3 (one will be half off with B1G1 50% off Target Deal (STARTS 5/6)
$3/2 Community Coffee Bags or K-Cups
= $5.98 for both or $2.99 each after coupon & Target deal

Keep in mind the ad does state the B1G1 50% off is on ALL bagged coffee, so it makes for a nice break on brands we don’t normally see coupons for as well. And if you prefer k-cups, you might want to take advantage of several nice deals this week thru 5/5….

Big Savings on Cafe Bustelo Coffee K-Cups at Target
Over 50% Off Peet’s Coffee K-cups with New Stack
Big Savings on Caribou Coffee 18 ct K-Cups at Target
New High-Value Stack on Eight O’Clock Coffee K-cups Plus Upcoming B1G1 50% Off

Big Savings on Cafe Bustelo Coffee K-Cups at Target


We have a nice new high-value Target cartwheel offer available to save 55% off ALL Cafe Bustelo Coffee. It is valid this week thru 5/5 only, and it makes for some huge savings all on its own.


Even better, this week thru 5/5, Target is offering up a B1G1 50% off all single-serve coffee pods to make for a great deal …

DEAL IDEA: Buy 2 Bustela K-cups 18 ct ($10.99) = $21.98
-$5.50 (one will be half off with B1G1 50% off Target deal thru 5/5
-$9.07 (use 55% Off Bustela Coffee Target-Cartwheel x5/5
= $7.41 for both or $3.70 each or like paying .20 per k-cup!

For more great coffee deals this week, you can check out my Best Deals of the Week post HERE.