More New Unadvertised Gift Card & Special Deals

Here are the rest of the unadvertised Special deals that are new-to-me this week at Target. I have added any matchups I could find, but please feel free to let me know if I’ve missed anything in the comments. You can also see links to other new Special deals at the bottom this post.

Please keep in mind that unadvertised deals can be regional and may not be available at all stores and prices may vary by region. You can always check out the Special Deals Page for even more unadvertised deals you may be able to find at your stores…

special-purchase2 SPECIAL PURCHASE: B1G1 50% Off Arm & Hammer Spinbrush or Orajel
Deal and prices valid 8/25 – 9/1. Deal and prices may be regional.
*Orajel Toothpaste $2.49
*Orajel Training Toothpaste $2.89
*Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Kids PSA $5.69


New St. Ives Personal Care Rebates + Extra Savings at Target on Body Wash, Lotion & Facial Skin Care

We have 3 new rebates available on the Checkout 51 app to save on Select St. Ives products. If you are a fan of this brand, there are two different offers going on right now at Target to make for some nice deals.

To start with, thru 9/1 Target is offering up a FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 4 select Unilever personal care products, and St. Ives body wash & lotion are both included. Each rebate has a limit of 3, but you can mix & match and do something like this for some nice savings…

DEAL IDEA: Buy 3 St. Ives Body Wash ($3.99)
& Buy 1 St. Ives Lotion ($4.99) = $16.96
-$3 (redeem 3x Earn $1 Back wyb St. Ives Body Wash w/Checkout 51 x8/29 (limit 3)
Earn $1.50 Cash Back wyb St. Ives Lotion w/Checkout 51 x8/29 (limit 3)
= $12.46 – $5 Gift Card Back for buying 4 select Unilever personal care thru 9/1
= $7.46 for all 4 or $1.86 each

Also to mention, Target is offering up a B1G1 25% off select facial care thru 9/1. St. Ives cleansing sticks are included to make for saving of 50% using just your phone….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 2 St. Ives Facial Cleansing Sticks ($7.99) = $15.98
– $2 (one will be 25% off with Target deal thru 9/1
$6 (redeem 2x Earn $3 wyb St. Ives Cleansing Sticks w/Checkout 51 x8/29 (limit 3)
= $7.98 for both or $3.99 each after rebates & Target deal

More New Unadvertised Gift Card & Special Deals

Here are the rest of the unadvertised Special deals that are new-to-me this week at Target. I have added any matchups I could find, but please feel free to let me know if I’ve missed anything in the comments. You can also see links to other new Special deals at the bottom this post.

Please keep in mind that unadvertised deals can be regional and may not be available at all stores and prices may vary by region. You can always check out the Special Deals Page for even more unadvertised deals you may be able to find at your stores…

 FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 3 Johnson’s or Desitin 
Deal and prices valid 8/12 – 9/1. Deal and prices may be regional.

*Desitin 4 oz $5.39 *Johnson’s Baby Toiletries PSA $4.99


More New Unadvertised Gift Card & Special Deals

Here are the rest of the unadvertised Special deals that are new-to-me this week at Target. I have added any matchups I could find, but please feel free to let me know if I’ve missed anything in the comments. You can also see links to other new Special deals at the bottom this post.

Please keep in mind that unadvertised deals can be regional and may not be available at all stores and prices may vary by region. You can always check out the Special Deals Page for even more unadvertised deals you may be able to find at your stores…

 FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 2 Meta or Metamucil PSA $13.59
Deal and prices valid 8/5 – 8/18. Deal and prices may be regional.
$2.00 OFF ONE Metamucil Fiber Thins Product (excludes trial/travel sizes)

 FREE $5 Gift Card wyb 2 Prilosec or Align
Deal and prices valid 8/5 – 8/18. Deal and prices may be regional.
*Prilosec PSA $23.99
$1.00 OFF ONE Align Probiotic Supplement Product (ETS).
$5 Off wyb ONE Prilosec Wildberry or Original 42 ct

special-purchase2 SPECIAL PURCHASE: Save $2 wyb 2 Pedialyte 33.3 -33.8 oz PSA $4.99
Deal and prices valid 8/5 – 8/18. Deal and prices may be regional.

special-purchase2 SPECIAL PURCHASE: B1G1 50% Off NUK Bottles
Deal and prices valid 8/5 – 8/18. Deal and prices may be regional.
NUK Simply Natural Bottle $6.49
NUK Bottle Gift set 9 piece $26.99

special-purchase2 SPECIAL PURCHASE: B1G1 25% Off Renpure, Go Nuts or Bella Curls
Deal and prices valid 8/5 – 8/18. Deal and prices may be regional.
*Go Nuts PSA $7.99  *Renpure PSA $5.99

special-purchase2 SPECIAL PURCHASE: B2G1 FREE Ultra Chewy Dog Treats .99
Deal and prices valid 8/5 – 8/18. Deal and prices may be regional.

special-purchase2 SPECIAL PURCHASE: B1G1 50% off SheaMoisture Hair Care PSA $3.49
Deal and prices valid 8/5 – 8/18. Deal and prices may be regional.

New Stacks & Double Dips on Purina Dog Food & Treats – Moist & Meaty, DentaLife & More
Nice Deals on P&G Hair Care – Save Big on Pantene, Herbal Essences & Head & Shoulders

B1G1 50% Off Bras + Extra Savings In Stores & Online

This week thru 8/11, Target is offering up a nice savings of B1G1 50% Off on All Women’s Bras & Bralettes both online and in stores. No code or coupon is needed in stores or online – the discount is automatic at checkout. Just keep in mind that the lower-priced item will be the one that rings up at 50% Off.

This offer includes Xhilaration brand, and in addition to the B1G1 you can also save an extra 15% off this brand online with code XHIL15. Or, if shopping in stores, just load this 15% Off All Exhilaration Bras & Bralettes Target cartwheel offer, also valid thru 8/11.

One other thing to check out are all the Bras on clearance online at While they do not qualify for the B1G1 50% Off – there are some nice deals to be had with bras up to 50% Off.

Shipping is FREE on orders of $35 or more and as always, if you have a REDcard you will also get an additional 5% Off and free shipping no matter how much you spend.