I brought home 2 Target comment cards with me on Sunday to fill out and it reminded me that I have not posted this in a while, so I thought I would post again.
We couponers sometimes have to have a thick skin since some cashiers can leave us feeling sub-human for using our coupons. So if you are anything like me – having a great cashier that is friendly, and super-patient with your coupons can leave you wanting to give them a hug or go home and bake them a batch of cookies. 🙂
But to show your gratitude, one of the best things you can do is fill out a comment card. Many retailers don’t allow any kind of gifts or other shows of appreciation, but a comment card is something you can do at Target, and it won’t get anyone in any trouble.
If you are unfamiliar with them- they can be found at Guest Services and they are also kept up at the registers in many stores. If you are happy with the service you get, think about taking a moment to fill out one of these cards to show your appreciation. I am very thankful for Target employees who take the time to try and understand coupons and how they can be used as opposed to those who loathe them and make you well aware that they are hating every moment you are in line.
So if you’d like to offer up more than just a simple “Thank You” when you are done checking out- grab one of these cards and give a great review of your cashier. You can either hand it in at the store- or drop it in the mail and they are sure to be grateful for the positive comments!