New B2G1 FREE Target Deal on Movies, Books & Video Games Online + Extra Discounts with Sales & Circle

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This week thru 1/25, Target is offering up a B2G1 FREE movies, books & video games online. Keep in mind your lowest priced item will be the one that is FREE so comparably-priced items will net you the biggest discount. You can mix & match how you wish, and there are tons of items to choose from including tons of Blu-rays, DVD’s.

There are also LOTS of books to choose from as well, including popular series like Diary of a Wimpy Kid and many more titles for both kids & adults. It’s a great way to add to your personal library and movie collection too with this nice B2G1 FREE movies, books & video games.

There are also several items on sale that qualify that will maximize your savings even more, including popular movies & TV shows like John Wick 3 and Game of Thrones. Shipping is FREE on orders of $35 or more, and as always, if you have a REDcard you will also get an additional 5% Off whether you are shopping online or in stores. :).

Another way to save is with Target Circle offers that can be used online. For example, we have a 50% off Stranger Things Season 1 Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray +DVD that can be used online at and this movie qualifies for the B2G1 FREE. There are also a few other Target Circle offers too, so be sure and check out the entertainment category for additional discounts.

Just keep in mind that if the item you are using a Target Circle on is the lowest priced one and is your freebie, the Circle will not apply.