New ZonePerfect Coupons plus B5G1 FREE Deal

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We have some nice new high-value printable coupons available to save on ZonePerfect…

$1.50 OFF ONE (1) ZonePerfect Multi-pack (4-count Carton or Larger) limit 2
$0.50 OFF ONE (1) ZonePerfect single bar (any variety)

Even better, we have a sale on the Kidz varieties to make for savings of 50%….

ZonePerfect Kidz 5 count 2/$7 or $3.50 each (Sale thru 11/3)
$1.50 OFF ONE (1) ZonePerfect Multi-pack (4-count Carton or Larger) limit 2
= $2 after coupon & sale, reg. $3.99

Also to mention, there is a short term B5G1 FREE offer on all kinds of nutrition bars including Larabar, ZonePerfect & More. Although my store was limited on signs, the ZonePerfect Kidz were included in this deal. While the above coupon has a limit of 2, there is an additional coupon available when you sign up on the ZonePerfect site to make for a nice stock-up deal….

Buy 6 ZonePerfect Kidz 5 count 2/$7 or $3.50 each = $21.00
-$3.50 (one will be FREE with B5G1 Target Deal thru 10/13
-$5 (use two $2.50/2 ZonePerfect Multipacks 5 ct+ (must sign up) limit 2
$1.50 OFF ONE (1) ZonePerfect Multi-pack (4-count Carton or Larger) limit 2
= $11 for all 6 or $1.83 each