Miniverse Target Brand Exclusives Are On Sale!

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I love these fun Miniverse Target Foods! Right now they are on sale for $4.99 (regularly priced at $9.99). Just note this sale ends on Monday, February 17th.


Honestly, I had never made any of these Miniverse foods before, and had a lot of fun making the Target Foods Miniverse. I did make all 12, and I can tell you I was surprised at some of my favorites.

I felt the easiest ones were the Caramel Popcorn, Salad, Pizza, and Blueberry Pancakes, but how could you not love the darling Bullseye the Dog cookies?

If you are looking for a particular one, here are some hints to help determine which Miniverse Target Foods are inside the capsules if you can shop in store.

Target brand exclusive miniverse sets

There are twelve different varieties, and what you will get will be a surprise. There does not appear to be any distinctive markings (despite rumors to the contrary) to definitively determine what is inside before you buy. The twelve are as follows: Lava Cakes, Ice Cream Sundae, Madelines, Mini Cupcakes, Frosted Sugar Cookies, Bullseye Cookies, Lobster Ravioli, Margherita Pizza, Mixed Salas, Blueberry Pancakes, Cinnamon Rolls, and Caramel Popcorn.

All of them include a super cute Bullseye the dog that can be attached to the lid of the ball and fun stickers.

Target brand exclusive miniverse bullseye cookies

The first one I opened made me so happy! It was the Bullseye Cookies. This one weighed in for me a 90.3 grams or 3.18 ounces.  Because of the basket, it made a heavier rattle sound when lightly shaken. It sounded and felt like something heavier was in there.

Included in this set are a Plastic Shopping Basket, cookies, display tray, tongs, knife, stickers, frosting, and Bullseye The Dog Shapes to place on the frosted cookies.

The Ice Cream Sundae is really cute! This one weighed in at 96.4 g or 3.4 ounces for me. When you gently shake it, there is not much noise and it feels very compact. Included in this set are an ice cream container, tongs, spoon, scoop, two waffle bowls in a box, shopping bag, stickers, cherries, sprinkles, chocolate syrup and whipped topping.

For those of you who want to be completely surprised, or just don’t want to try to figure out the weights in store, I highly recommend ordering online. So far, all the ones I have opened have not disappointed!

Target Miniverse Cheat Sheet

Keep in mind that scales can be sensitive especially at these smaller weights. I have listed what I found in ounces along with the approximate gram equivalence in order of heaviest to lightest. Note that the ones with the basket make the loudest rattling noise when gently shaken…

Cinnamon Rolls 102 g or 3.59 oz. (louder rattle when gently shaken)
*Includes Plastic Shopping Basket, so it rattles when shaken

Ice Cream Sundae 96.4 g or 3.4 oz (very little noise when gently shaken)
*Includes Red Target Bag with a bullseye spiral on it

Bullseye Cookies 90.3 g or 3.185 oz (louder rattle when gently shaken)
*Includes Plastic Shopping Basket, so it rattles when shaken

Lava Cakes 89.5 g or 3.16 oz (not much noise when gently shaken)
*Includes White Bullseye the Dog bag

Lobster Ravioli 88 g or 3.1 oz (louder rattle)
*Includes Plastic Shopping Basket, so it rattles when shaken

Mini Cupcakes 84.5 g or 2.98 oz (not much noise when gently shaken)
*Includes Red Target Bag with dots on it

Margherita Pizza 81.1 g or 2.86 oz (rattles some)
*Includes Red Target Bag with a bullseye spiral on it

Blueberry Pancakes 79.6 g or 2.8 oz
*Includes Red Target Bag with dots on it

Caramel Popcorn 79.3 g or 2.78 oz*
*Not sure why, but this one had a slight squeak when gently shaken) Includes Red Target Bag with a bullseye spiral on it

Frosted Sugar Cookies 78.5 g or 2.76 oz (rattles slightly)
*Includes White Bullseye the Dog bag

Madelines 76.5 g or 2.75 oz 
*Includes Red Target Bag with dots on it

Mixed Salad 74.4 g or 2.62 oz (light rattle noise when gently shaken)
*Includes White Bullseye the Dog bag

You can view all my finished ones on Facebook.

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